Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Angel? Or My Future Self

I finished work yesterday just a regular hot day like any other
& i witnessed this man. he was in the bus shelter cutting his nails.
he looked very put together. he got off his seat & progressed to a lady
sitting in the hot sun & escorted her to the shelter for some shade he thought
that since he was there she prob didn't want to go to the shelter. then after he came
to me & Said " You are eating fries & did not even bother to ask if anyone wanted any"i apologized & offered him fries he laughs aLittle & says " that was my way of making conversation. we began to talk he told me he is 78 years old & turning 79 in December but people say he looks good for the age which he doze.! it is true he began to tell me how much he loved his gran kids.. then he told me about his wife that passed away & how the first time he met her he sang a song to her. he began to express the words. it was deep & i know she loved it!

he began to tell me how the "cracks On the Street are Formed" how the cars moving & turning create movement to the floor & create more cracks & dents" i was lost for a second until he explained that it was a metaphor for life, The Road OF Life he pronounced it. which meant that we are the cars creating damage to are lives. it was deep so much more to explain but I'll keep it for myself for now he had to catch his bus so I'll see him again someday.

i think it was a sign from god because he changed me in away & the Funny part is i saw a reflection of my self when i was conversing with him... his name was John.

1 comment:

  1. Spontaneous bus conversations are the best

    where strangers meet and find what's familiar.

    John seems like an interesting man. I've met a few in my day
