Friday, May 14, 2010

Writers Block.

This Girl... she had the ability to take over my world; because i allowed her to...i was a fool, in her words.. every truth's pasts was a lie.. "I'm really Feeling you," turning into " I'm really feeling every other guy" why choose to confuse my mind thinking I'm in love, when i was just lusting after illusory comforts, deceived by a kiss, and never realizing that her soul was something i hadnt ever felt.. it was merely only her lipstick.. Thinking she is my reason to be creative; while all along i was subconsciously forming a defense mechanism towards everyone, myself included.. the only one allowed within was the one from without.. The dark shadow of an Angel, that brought warning and doubt...

"Suckers For Love" was the hidden agenda distinguished in the mist of her first, middle and last name.. But you see if and when we get damaged by the opposite sex, the index finger points to them however your three remaining fingers point back at yourself... Considering we did not choose to prepare ourselves for that major step in life.. and you see rome wasn't built in a day, & the slow and steady did win the race; also my momma always told me "good things come to people who wait" So i guess what i'm trying to say is patience is key for the door of adversity,prosperity & a life abundantly..

Before we blame the world for our problems, first analyze and realize where we have made the error.. for we are responsible for our own actions; other people just tempt or influence you. Nevertheless you still have the voice to say yes or no.. So with that being said i leave you with this.. " Being Single Does not Mean You walk alone Because God Is over your shoulders every step of the way you just have to acknowledge him; being soul tied with a spouse was just a Tip After the paycheck." NoteWonder.

Ps. You're Heart Goes Where ever you're mind Takes It, i find its always better To Reverse The Effect.

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